Pen is mightier than the sword

Pen is mightier than the sword
Writing what I think, before I say it!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I wish, I wish I can open my eyes to your eyes and get that feeling of butterflies the feeling I got when I saw you the first time
and no lie
I hope that our kiss is more than just an experiment so when we kiss
it can honor our curiosities in questions with answers that we still got that magical kiss
that makes these magnetic like lips
attract and kiss again
I can't help remembering how the color of our skins looked 
when wet and together when we embrace how our colors combined 
created a new race then after we embraced
we would stare face to face
while we danced and scrolled in taste
in tongues that is... I won't forget how your kisses tickled me in moans
causing are arms to hold strong
you prove to me kissing is all still appreciated that it can be done for hours and not always lead us to a bedroom situation So I can't wait I'm so excited that I can't wait 
to hold you again and say "hi" all over again and maybe shed a tear every day I'm here
let's get a few things clear

because....I'm excited,
kissing is what I love to do
all I need to know
are you ready,
for round two?

By LeRoy TNW Goetzendanner Registered & Protected

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