Pen is mightier than the sword

Pen is mightier than the sword
Writing what I think, before I say it!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

GOT TO BE ME.......

Standing before you as just a plain man

left my weapons(pens) at home

I came without my papers(poetry)

I'm here to talk to you as person not as poet

I'm speaking in words, not in spoken words

so listen to me and not just hear me

undress me from the stage

silence me of my performance

let me express to you and not vent to the public

for once I want to be your charming

and not a poets poetry

I want to have an intelligent conversation

and not one of those intellectual exchanges

call me by name, my real name, if you know it

I'm no longer my stage name or that poet

let me be real for just this moment

and not the realest for the moments

Let me stand before you,

let us just look upon each other for more than 5 minutes

not onto each other as the performer to the audience

Let me re-introduce myself

without the MC doing it for me

I am *****

but not a poet called **********

I'm waiting on your approval to receive me

not the cheers and applause to receive my piece

I just need to be

I have to be

I'm trying to be

What I got to be.....and that's ME

By LeRoy TNW Goetzendanner Registered & Protected

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